1.模塊化設計、獨立部件、結構簡單、組裝便捷、維護方便。Modular design,easy to assemble and maintenance.
2.頂升橫移可實現將托盤從當前線體橫移到垂直布置的另一條線體的輸送,輸送時改變托盤的方向。Lift and transverse unit move the workpiece pallets from a transverse conveyor section onto a longitudinal conveyor sectionwith changing direction of pallet.
3.邊框為有標準槽口的高強度鋁合金型材,方便將輸送機安裝。T slot aluminum profle frame for easy accessory attachment.
in conjunction with pallet conveyors.
Conveying medium is antistatic toothed belt.
1.模塊化設計、獨立部件、結構簡單、組裝便捷、維護方便。Modular design,easy to assemble and maintenance.
2.頂升橫移可實現將托盤從當前線體橫移到垂直布置的另一條線體的輸送,輸送時改變托盤的方向。Lift and transverse unit move the workpiece pallets from a transverse conveyor section onto a longitudinal conveyor sectionwith changing direction of pallet.
3.邊框為有標準槽口的高強度鋁合金型材,方便將輸送機安裝。T slot aluminum profle frame for easy accessory attachment.
in conjunction with pallet conveyors.
Conveying medium is antistatic toothed belt.